Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Don’t worry be happy

bismillah and assalamualaikum ^^
Actually today I got my muet result but it still need to be fixed ^^…
maybe i not struggle enough In speaking.
today I want to said some motivation and advise from a book that I have read…

         Don’t ever said that we are garbage. How long we have put up with mistreatment???
the answer is as long as she has a low opinion of herself. People treat us the way we treat ourselves with respect . if we treat ourselves with respect ,they will follow treat us with respect to. That is the rule of world. Don’t ever said that I reserve it because actually that can  reduce you motivation towards redha of Allah. Allah ask us to be good to ourselves not to be harm, even when we follow it good thing will happened in your life( please3 believe what I said).words is power if in our daily life we train to be positive than that’s it you are what you said.
       You deserve love and respect just because you are you. Please said to yourselves thank you when other peoples praise your effort and never said that it is luck. Why I said that because that’s is your talent and Allah give that to you not in accidently, why must we said a negative words.sup

       For example when we recognizes our beauty (ehem2 I’am) also ourselves image , of course our face full of sunshine and it automatically  reflected in our surrounding.

     Separate your behavior from yourself – realized that your behavior is not connected to yourself-worth. If you do something silly, like drop the book of your friends without intention it doesn’t make you a bad person (humans is created with non perfect but with effort they will get what they want).

     To make all people are easy with you is impossible. Be what you are is easy… people will come to you with what you  are. If you are sincere they can read deep in your eyes.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

managerial accountant to be ^^

nampaknya dia memang tidak berperasaan...jop teruskan single mingle...jadikan diri ibarat buah apple yang tertinggi sekali bukan apple yang ditanah...aku akan teruskan usahaku dulu kini dan selamanya...agenda kemanisan dunia dan akhirat  ^^...fuhlamak ok la kan memang setiap orang mendambakan kasih sayang Allah dan bak kata ustazah fatimah syarhah raih cinta tertinggi ya Allah reservekan untuk kita kaum wanita...walaupun bukan didunia Allah sudah janjikan pada kita kaum wanita bidadara di syurga...subhanallah...

peganglah kata2 ustaz lukman(pensyarah fsu)

kalau kita wanita nak bahagia suami mesti ada 4 ini:
3.jiran yang baik -ikut kefahaman saya(sahabat yang baik)
4. ??? (tak tahulah padaku kecintaanya pada Allah dan Rasulullah)

5.syatratnya orang pahang(sebab pada saya orang pahang yang saya jumpa  tu lembut dan unik watima lelaki ataupun perempuan)..ops terpuji lebih sudah...hehe... lau nak bahagia sabarlah kan hehe...kerja jadi akautan managerial dululah hehe...
waktu tu serah je pada mak dalam urusan jodoh ...asal ada 4 4 perkara tu kira oklah...bahagia nanti anak2ku in the future dapat ayah yang soleh kan ..nah siap hafal al-Quran lagi...masyuk kan hehe...

now my aim to be an accoutant ...biarkan mereka di sekeliling mengetertawakan...aku tetap berdiri megah dan berwawasan.... heak3 ^^...

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

hari ni abang shahril datang umah bawak anak dia nama auni farishah 10 bulan...abang shahril ialah cousin saya yang agak rapat juga waktu kecik2 ...seronok rasanya bila dapat jumpa dengan dia semula...
tak sangka masa berlalu dengan terlalu cepat rupanya ,dia sudah makin berisi nampaknya bahagia bersama keluarga tercinta alhamdulillah praise to Allah ^^....perjalanan dan pengalaman mengajar kita lebih menghargaai dan mengerti kehidupan...